Thursday, May 22, 2008

Two Weeks!

It's been a while since I've posted, but in exactly two weeks, we are leaving for our trip to India! The beginning of this week consisted of both Austin and I getting three shots in our arms, taking our typhoid pills, and getting our prescription for malaria pills (which we don't need to start until right before we leave).

THANK YOU all for your support-- Austin and I met our financial goal quite a while ago and were so blessed by the generosity of our family and friends. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare to leave, and during our time in India from June 5-18th!

In other big news, I (Sara) officially received my Master's diploma from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary on May 10th. Even though I officially finished my degree in January, it was a fun day and it was really special to officially recognize all the hard work I put into seminary. It was also really special because my parents came up from Virginia to celebrate with us. We have no pictures to post due to Austin forgetting the camera. I still love him lots anyway, and just need to learn he'll probably do stuff like this for the next 50 or so years :)