Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall update

With no update. Life is pretty much continuing at a regular pace for Austin and I right now. The Fall has been busy with church events, as Boston fills up with thousands of new people every fall. We have had lots of extra events for newcomers, but fortunately after a few busy months, things are slowing down.

We were thankful to learn that Austin only needed to take one class this semester, and it's through Gordon-Conwell's online learning program. Next semester, Austin will have two night classes during the week, but after those are completed he will graduate in May!! Austin is very much looking forward to being done with seminary! He keeps telling people he "thinks" he'll finish in May. I keep telling people if he doesn't, then he has to drop out :) He'll definitely finish though, and I'm so proud of him!

Last weekend, I flew down to Virginia for a last-minute trip (literally, I bought a ticket Thursday and flew in at 6 am Saturday morning!) I flew down to be able to attend my sister-in-law Emily's bridal shower, and was so thankful for my weekend with Austin's family! It was great to be able to spend time with them, and see how in love Emily and David are! I can't wait for their wedding in December!

Emily opening lots of fun gifts, such as these AWESOME girrafe shaped measuring spoons!

One of the shower games we played was to divide into teams and create a wedding dress from toilet paper. Emily then had to vote on which dress she would wear! While my team won the dress contest, I had to get a picture of my mother-in-law Leslie wearing her beautiful toilet paper wedding gown!

As far as other Fall events, I was disapointed that we did not make it out to any of the Mass. orchards to pick apples this fall. I did buy us pumpkins to carve for a date night, but they ended up just sitting in our windows uncarved (they still look nice though!). Our fun Halloween event was our church's annual Fun-Raiser, designed to raise funds for our church building. This year the goal was to specifically raise funds for revonations to our children's classrooms. This was especially neat for me to see as I am the lead nursery teacher and many of the families at our church are very good friends of ours.

This year, Austin and I were asked to be part of a team of young adults who all dressed up like the cast from Beauty and the Beast. Everyone's costumes were AWESOME! Left to Right: Cogsworth, Mrs. Poots, Beast, Chip, The Rose, Belle, the Feather Duster and the Lumier!

"Beauty and the Beast" doing a ballroom dance-- our camera has a "cartoon" feature that makes this image look especially neat!

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