Saturday, March 29, 2008


While it is offically springtime, it snowed yesterday in Boston. A strange snow/sleet/hail. The only upside was that it didn't last too long! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I am more than ready for warm weather.

The other upside-- Austin and I will be in Texas in JUST two weeks for his cousin's wedding, and then staying a few extra days to visit with Erin, Ben, Abby and Claire. I just checked the 10-day forcast for Waco, and the daytime temps are in the 70's and 80's. I CAN'T WAIT!!!


Eleanor Hutchins said...

As of right now, we are moving out at the end of this month! We will be at a prayer retreat May 1-11th then we will make our way down South. Will you guys be around anytime soon? If so I would love to see you. Are you going to graduation?

Danny and Mary Gonzalez said...

Hey! Looks like you guys are having fun and keeping busy up there! I know you posted it a while ago but I just saw your post about your trip to India and that is so cool! I'm excited for you guys and we'll be praying! :)